Thinking about the challenges many educators are experiencing as they transition from summer to the new school year, I recognize the importance of being able to find a healthy balance between task (getting things done) and relationship (authentic connection with self and others).
We’ve all probably been there at one time or another. When our minds say, “There’s so much to do and not enough time,” our bodies tense up and big emotions like stress and overwhelm show up, leaving little time or energy for self-care or connection with colleagues, friends, and family.

Yet, I know this year can and will be different because a healthy balance between task and relationship is possible as I invite myself (and others) to BREATHE-MOVE-REST with my/our Inner Resources.
For example,
· With Inner Resource ACCEPTANCE, in any situation I can relax and release knowing “I can be here now just as I am,” and “I can be in this moment just as it is.”
· Inner Resource TRUST always wants me to remember I can trust myself because, “I am smart and I am capable,” and “I can trust myself to know: What now? and What next?”
Cultivating our Inner Resources is an act of self-care and easy to do with this simple three-step practice:
1. BREATHE: Take a slow breath in and a slow breath out as you think or name the Inner Resource that will best support your well-being in this moment (e.g., BALANCE, COURAGE, FLEXIBILITY, HOPE, IMAGINATION, PERSISTENCE, etc.)
2. MOVE: Sit up tall with your feet on the floor. With arms bent or straight, lean back and lift your heart as you think about a message your selected Inner Resource may have for you. For example, “I am grateful.”
3. REST: Place one hand on your forehead and one hand on the back of your head. Invite a slow breath in and a slow breath out as you embody an Inner Resource that will provide a sense of ease and calm throughout your day.
As you move throughout the day and feel the task and relationship (with self and others) is out of balance, take a moment to BREATHE-MOVE-REST with an Inner Resource that is ready to support you!
For more information about Inner Resources check out the Navigating Life section of our Blog. For information about BREATHE-MOVE-REST strategies with Youth, see the MoveMindfully Youth Card Deck in the store.