It was the evening of my husband Rudy’s 70th birthday and he hadn’t opened the card I was so excited to give him. He hadn’t opened the very special card I found months before, with the perfect image of two beautiful three-dimensional butterflies (my favorite) and a LOVE message followed by a poem. I really wanted him to open the card and read the poem I spent two hours writing and formatting the night before with a beautiful flower border and colors for the type that matched the front of the card.

I was filled with excitement as I imagined the moment Rudy would open the envelope, see the careful attention and creativity in the card, and feel loved and appreciated on his special birthday. Of course, that didn’t happen!
As the evening progressed and Rudy’s fatigued increased from an intense day of working, shopping, and packing for a holiday trip home the next day, I began to get nervous that he wouldn’t open his birthday card (but say he would take it with him on his trip). Although Rudy did open the card following my emotional request (received more as a demand), the outcome was far from my rosy fantasy and far from what we both wanted and needed at the time.
Before retiring that evening, I decided to pick two Inner Resources cards at random to help ease the big emotions that were still with me including disappointment, sadness, and rejection. The cards I drew were UNDERSTANDING and eXPERIENCE.
On first view I knew they were “right on,” but not sure exactly why until the next morning while in lying meditation. In that moment being with Inner Resource UNDERSTANDING: “What’s this really about?” The answer, “soul connection” came to me, which I knew was the voice of my inner wisdom.
Then, with Inner Resource eXPERIENCE: “What do I need to remember?” the answer that came was “Our needs are different, so hold space for that.” Following that insight, it was clear that Rudy loved and appreciated the card and all that went into it, but needed to receive it in a way, time, and place that was right for him.
Then, Inner Resources SELF: “I am enough,” and EMPATHY: “I see you. I feel you. I’m here for you.” naturally showed up to affirm the soul connections: ME with ME, and ME with Rudy. Once again, being with my Inner Resources brought me to a place of peace with more clarity and confidence about navigating similar situations in the future. So, I end with GRATITUDE: “Thank you!” and whole-hearted appreciation for my Inner Resources.