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Inner Resources

Inner Resources

"Your Inner Resources Card Deck helps you embrace your own superpowers. Harness your strength in the moments of doubt, and these cards will guide you to access greater joy."

- Marci Shimoff, NY Times bestselling author of Happy for No Reason and Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul

MoveMindfully Inner Resources Card Deck

Inner Resources are the parts of yourself that support your well-being, when experiencing any emotion — including fear, overwhelm, excitement, confusion, anger, or grief. Through compelling images and key messages, discover 26 Inner Resources you already have inside to navigate the opportunities and challenges of each day with more clarity, motivation, and ease.

With the movemindfully® Inner Resources Card Deck, cultivate and integrate: Acceptance, Balance, Courage, Dream, Empathy, Flexible, Gratitude, Hope, Imagination, Joy, Kindness, Love, Mindfulness, NO!, Persistence, Quiet, Resourceful, Self, Trust, Understanding, View, Wonder, eXperience, Yes!, and Zest.


“What I especially like about this resource is the combination of compelling nature photography and the supportive words of caring presence. I also appreciate how users get to acknowledge a wide range of emotions and experiences as they are invited into self-reflection and self-discovery while honoring challenging emotions for what they have to offer. These cards align so well with my values, philosophy, and work in the Honoring Center Way.”

- Alice Meadow
Wellness Mentor,
Navigating Physical Illness and Emotional Dis-ease
"These cards are a fantastic way to start the day with intention. The photos are beautiful – I feel my shoulders drop just looking at them!"

- Elizabeth
"I love these cards. I have used them in professional trainings I have delivered as well as with my occupational therapy students to begin class sessions. Great way to “pause” stop, reflect, and possibly reset toward an encouraging mindset. Beautiful photos, quality content and high-quality materials that have lasted the test of time through international travel, students, and youth handling them. Thank you for such great materials to work with. Appreciate you! "

- Christine Urish
"This morning before my appointment I pulled two Inner Resources cards to ‘Please help me with my negative feelings about feeling better.’ I was really feeling so discouraged. My cards were OPTIMISM and PERSISTENCE. I felt better at that very moment. These cards are so soothing and immensely helpful! And PERSISTENCE is one step at a time. Those were the words the acupuncturist used!"

- Jeri
"And one of the program therapists that I work with at United has been taking one of the IR cards each day and sharing it with patients. She then writes all the phrases on the white board so patients can read it throughout the day. She said that she uses them all the time and just loves them. She particularly loves using NO! with adolescents because they often show up with that attitude. She said she pulls the NO! card and pairs it with YES! and talks about how both of these are so important - you can say NO! when you want to and you can choose to say YES! when you are ready, too. Your IR cards are so wonderful, helpful and needed!!!"

- Chrissy
"I had a patient today who fully participated but kept his head down the entire time. I got out the resource cards and mentioned anyone could pick one to focus on if they’d like to. He immediately took a few of them. It was really touching to know that he could be looking at those beautiful images and words instead of a yoga mat! Those cards are a wonderful resource!"

- Theresa
"Yesterday, I brought the Inner Resource cards to the gathering of the racial justice group at my church. We had such a rich discussion... for nearly 2.5 hours! After we opened up about the big emotions we were having, we each drew 2 cards. Again, each card was the perfect card for the person who drew it. The card provided affirmation, clarity, and comfort at a critical time. "

- Jen


“What I especially like about this resource is the combination of compelling nature photography and the supportive words of caring presence. I also appreciate how users get to acknowledge a wide range of emotions and experiences as they are invited into self-reflection and self-discovery while honoring challenging emotions for what they have to offer. These cards align so well with my values, philosophy, and work in the Honoring Center Way.”

- Alice Meadow
Wellness Mentor,
Navigating Physical Illness and Emotional Dis-ease
"These cards are a fantastic way to start the day with intention. The photos are beautiful – I feel my shoulders drop just looking at them!"

- Elizabeth
"I love these cards. I have used them in professional trainings I have delivered as well as with my occupational therapy students to begin class sessions. Great way to “pause” stop, reflect, and possibly reset toward an encouraging mindset. Beautiful photos, quality content and high-quality materials that have lasted the test of time through international travel, students, and youth handling them. Thank you for such great materials to work with. Appreciate you! "

- Christine Urish
"This morning before my appointment I pulled two Inner Resources cards to ‘Please help me with my negative feelings about feeling better.’ I was really feeling so discouraged. My cards were OPTIMISM and PERSISTENCE. I felt better at that very moment. These cards are so soothing and immensely helpful! And PERSISTENCE is one step at a time. Those were the words the acupuncturist used!"

- Jeri
"And one of the program therapists that I work with at United has been taking one of the IR cards each day and sharing it with patients. She then writes all the phrases on the white board so patients can read it throughout the day. She said that she uses them all the time and just loves them. She particularly loves using NO! with adolescents because they often show up with that attitude. She said she pulls the NO! card and pairs it with YES! and talks about how both of these are so important - you can say NO! when you want to and you can choose to say YES! when you are ready, too. Your IR cards are so wonderful, helpful and needed!!!"

- Chrissy
"I had a patient today who fully participated but kept his head down the entire time. I got out the resource cards and mentioned anyone could pick one to focus on if they’d like to. He immediately took a few of them. It was really touching to know that he could be looking at those beautiful images and words instead of a yoga mat! Those cards are a wonderful resource!"

- Theresa
"Yesterday, I brought the Inner Resource cards to the gathering of the racial justice group at my church. We had such a rich discussion... for nearly 2.5 hours! After we opened up about the big emotions we were having, we each drew 2 cards. Again, each card was the perfect card for the person who drew it. The card provided affirmation, clarity, and comfort at a critical time. "

- Jen


Challenges Into Superpowers Keynote


MoveMindfully Inner Resources Card Deck

Inner Resources: Everyday Practices

Embody your Inner Resources by selecting a card (randomly or intentionally) — or two cards to explore how Inner Resources work together.

At the beginning of the day to set an intention. Throughout the day, pause for a mindful moment where you take a slow breath in and out while you acknowledge this part of you with appreciation.

Before a challenging task or conversation. Imagine your Inner Resource whispering its essential messages as you navigate the situation.

When you’re feeling stress, doubt, overwhelm, or other big emotions, acknowledge and welcome them in; then feel the support of your Inner Resources, starting with ACCEPTANCE (“I can be here now just as I am. I can be in this moment just as it is.”).

On a walk — by yourself or with others. Invite two or more of your Inner Resources to “walk” with you. Hear the messages they have for you at this time.

At the beginning of a staff or team meeting, invite everyone to draw an Inner Resource card to reinforce the best of who you are in your collaborative work.

To connect with a friend, colleague, or family member. Share your Inner Resource card for the day. If you’d like, include a story about the positive impact it is making in your life.

Origin Story

With life-affirming messages from my parents — “You can be what you will see,” and “Attitude is everything!” — I see and appreciate how I was able to deal with the ever-present liming belief, “I’m not enough by connecting with and cultivating my Inner Resources to support my well-being.

The challenging period of young adulthood activated my Inner Resource PERSISTENCE; and along with my passion for self-discovery, learning, and personal growth, I engaged with Inner Resources COURAGE, DREAM, GRATITUDE, MINDFULNESS, UNDERSTANDING, NO! and YES! helping me navigate a wide range of complex situations over many years.

The Inner Resources Card Deck is an integration of my life experience (rich with challenges, opportunities, and learning), motivated by my love for creating tools and practices that are compelling and accessible. The messages and blessings/wishes for each of the 26 Inner Resources are relevant for our complex times, making them an important resource for adults engaged in social-emotional learning and committed to doing their “inner work.”

I love and appreciate the many teachers, mentors, and collaborative partners who have supported my personal journey, leading to the creation of the movemindfully Inner Resources Card Deck including Kathy Flaminio and the movemindfully team. And with deep gratitude, I acknowledge Angeles Arrien, Ph.D., cultural anthropologist, and author of The Four-Fold Way, whose teachings are the foundation for how I choose to live.

– Jackie Levin