I’m excited to announce that my book, I Am Safe is here! Since 2018 I have been transforming the real life stories from my teaching in hospitals, juvenile services, and special education settings into a practical and accessible guidebook. My hope is that I Am Safe inspires mental health advocacy and activism in our communities and expands this important work.
I would like to share a beautiful letter my friend and author of the movemindfully Inner Resources Card Deck, Jackie Levin, delivered as a call to action at our recent pre-launch party:
Dear Chrissy,
It’s a joy to be virtually present at your I Am Safe pre-launch party and to bear witness to the wish of Inner Resource IMAGINATION, “May the best of what you see come to be.” This book is a most beautiful expression of your passion, gifts, and talents and I am and have been so grateful to be part of your development team along with Kathy, and Lily, Aleah, and Abby from Beaver’s Pond Press.
I thought of you the other day as I read an Instagram post by Zanna Keithley – so, with a slight adaptation of her words, I will say to you, along with so many others: We love how you make us feel when we’re in your presence—like we’re seen. Like we matter. Like we’re accepted, just as we are. Chrissy, your presence is a great gift, and I see your book being a way to extend this gift to so many others.
With Inner Resource IMAGINATION, I invite us all take a moment now to hold the intention “everything we imagine can be real” as we imagine what’s possible if every practitioner and student/patient/client/family member in the movemindfully community could experience:
- an open-hearted, welcoming invitation to participate in group no matter how they are feeling.
- the core belief that “Everybody is intelligent, caring, resourceful, and whole.”
- feeling safe enough to engage with others through the integration of healing connections in every movemindfully session.
- a variety of engaging non-traditional mindfulness activities that build trust and promote feelings of safety.
- connection to their inner voice/inner knowing through affirming language and key messages like, “Your mind and body are really smart.”
- a consistent and predictable learning structure that enhances mind-body skill development.
- quality time for reflection and integration to strengthen the mind-body connection and identify a toolkit of practices for accessing feelings of safety anytime and anywhere.
…and ideally Chrissy, your ultimate hope and wildest dream—that in every crisis mental health setting, simple mind-body strategies are consistently and intentionally shared to support those who are struggling, to reconnect them with their inner brilliance, and to create the safety necessary for healing.
With much love and admiration for you and your life-affirming work in the world,
To pre-order your copy of I Am Safe: Trauma-Responsive Practices in Crisis Mental Health, visit our web-site. If you are interested in more information about our new training offering based on this book, please contact us at info@move-mindfully.com