Since movemindfully practices are used in a wide array of educational and crisis mental health environments, we have learned from experience how intentionally inclusive language and being an open and welcoming presence can help to create a sense of safety.
A safe environment is particularly critical when considering the findings of a recent national survey on LGBTQ youth and mental health. In the 2022 Trevor Project study, 45% of LGBTQ youth reported seriously considering suicide in the past year, with LGBTQ youth of color reporting even higher rates than their white peers. Nearly 1 in 5 transgender and nonbinary youth attempted suicide. This same study found that many LGBTQ youth who felt affirmed in their community were less at risk for suicide.
This is why safe spaces, where everyone feels valued, are so important. Here are a few ideas movemindfully uses to create spaces where everyone feels seen and heard:
Choose intentionally inclusive language. Feelings of safety and belonging are impacted by the words you choose. Swap out gender-specific words (like “boys and girls” or “ladies and gentlemen”) with gender non-specific words (like “people” or “everyone”). Many of the gender-specific language used is unnecessary. Something this simple can highlight inclusivity.
Be present and open. If you pay attention to your environment, you will notice that more and more people are introducing themselves using their preferred pronouns – both in-person and in email signatures. Something as simple as including your pronouns signifies that you respect other people’s right to do the same. Paying attention to and using people’s preferred pronouns demonstrates that you see them. Unsure of when and how to do this? Just practice – like we all need to when we learn something new!
It’s OK to make mistakes. When you use gender-specific language or use the wrong pronouns, apologize and move on. Dwelling on your mistake makes it more about you than about inclusion. Continuing to do your best to create a welcoming environment for all is far more important than using the wrong word from time to time. By demonstrating kindness and compassion with yourself when you make mistakes, you are encouraging others to do so with themselves.
Reflect and educate yourself. A great gift of mindfulness is the opportunity it gives you for reflection. Take time to reflect on how you can intentionally choose gender inclusive language to help others feel included, safe, seen, and heard. You might choose to write down your reflections, make a voice memo, or talk to a trusted friend.
How have you created environments that are more welcoming and inclusive? How can you intentionally create a space for everyone to feel seen and heard in your life and work?

Looking for some simple visuals and language to help you incorporate mindful movement this summer? We just dropped the price on our movemindfully app to $4.99 in hopes that even more families would utilize this simple tool.
Visit the Apple App Store or Google Play to download or share the app today!