Remember the last time you got that unexpected email or text and felt your whole body go into panic mode?
Throughout the day, when life comes at us, our brain and body react instinctively to keep us safe from threat. Sometimes these threats are real – like narrowly escaping a car accident. Sometimes they are merely perceived threats – like realizing moments before a big meeting, you forgot to send the Zoom meeting link.

The Brain Science
Whether the threat is real or not, our brain sends immediate neural impulses cascading throughout the body to move us into flight/fight/freeze response. When our sympathetic nervous system is activated, our jaw tightens, brow furrows, shoulders roll forward, trunk shortens and hip flexors constrict nearly instantaneously.
The Body
This recurring activation of our stress response has a cumulative effect on our overall health and well-being. It also creates residual muscular tension that can stay in our body after the perceived threat has vanished.
A Solution
This is why Progressive Rest is such a helpful mind-body strategy for us to learn. We can encourage these muscles to release by first activating muscular tension and then moving into a more relaxed state. The more we practice this rest technique, the easier it will be to access this relaxed state when needed. This not only provides stress relief throughout the day, but also can be a helpful skill to use for a better night’s sleep.
Let’s take a moment to try this right now.
Progressive Rest
Find a comfortable, quiet spot to rest for a few minutes. Sit or lie down and begin to slow down your breathing.
- Starting with your toes, squeeze the muscles in your toes and then release your toes. Take a slow breath in and a slow breath out. Imagine your breath traveling all the way down to your toes.
- Now, tighten your leg muscles and then slowly release them. Breathe slowly and allow your legs to just rest.
- Squeeze your hands into tight fists. Then, soften and release your hands and fingers. Continue to breathe slowly and imagine your breath reaching your fingertips.
- Draw your shoulders up towards your ears as you squeeze neck and shoulder muscles. Now, release your shoulder and neck muscles and breathe space into these areas of your body.
- If you would like, scrunch up your face (eyes, cheeks, jaw) and then release these muscles as you breathe slowly in and out.
Notice how your body feels after taking this time to breathe slowly while activating and releasing muscles in your body.
Now, notice how your mind feels as you continue to breathe slowly. Take a few moments to simply allow your whole body, mind, and heart to rest.
Finally, ask your heart how it feels when you take time to breathe and rest. You might notice your heartbeat has changed or your heart might answer you in words, images or feelings. Just listen to what your heart might want to tell you right now.
When you feel ready, go ahead and wiggle your fingers and toes. You can stretch your neck from side to side. If you are lying down, roll over to your side and pause before sitting up.
Real Self Care
Taking time to breathe slowly and rest during the day is a kindness we can give to our mind, body, and heart. By taking this time to remind our body what it feels like to rest, we are bringing ourselves back to a more peaceful state which can impact those around us. We are also training our brain how to more easily access sleep at night.

Like how Progressive Rest made you feel? This is a great way to introduce Rest practices to youth. Download our Free Resources and print out Card # 49 Head on Desk from our MoveMindfully Card Deck. Download our Free Resources to see these samples and more!
Check out our Early Childhood Card Deck (card #22 Turn off Your Body & Rest) to find a variation of Progressive Rest that works well with young children.
How do you build Rest into your day? Leave a comment and tag us on social media @MoveMindfullyConnect
Chrissy Mignogna and the MoveMindfully Team