We are excited to introduce our newest card deck, a timely resource for YOU! Check it out in our store.

Experience relief from stress, anxiety, overwhelm, self-doubt, and other big emotions. Through compelling images and key messages, discover 26 Inner Resources you already have inside to navigate life’s challenges and opportunities. Explore how your Inner Resources can offer clarity, ease, and peace.
Included in this deck are fourteen everyday practices for cultivating the Inner Resources: Acceptance, Balance, Courage, Dream, Empathy, Flexible, Gratitude, Hope, Imagination, Joy, Kindness, Love, Mindfulness, NO!, Persistence, Quiet, Resourceful, Self, Trust, Understanding, View, Wonder, eXperience, Yes!, and Zest.
Download Free Sample Here (Courage Card)
Read the Origin Story
“I’m writing my goals for 2022 so the DREAM card is speaking to me on many, many levels. It’s PERFECT!”
Candi Seil, Founder, Let’s Talk Kids, LLC and BABY KNOW: Bodies, Hearts & Minds Instructor