As I was walking my dog today, I started to feel the weight of the world as fear, uncertainty, and overwhelm started to emerge. I literally stopped in my path and slowed down my breath. I knew at that moment I needed to turn inward and access my inner wisdom. I needed to hear what my mind, body, and heart wanted me to remember. As soon as I softened to listen, I experienced the presence of TRUST and FLEXIBLE, two of my Inner Resources.
Stress, overwhelm, uncertainty, and fear seem to be present more days than not, which is making MoveMindfully® practices a priority for many adults and youth in our schools, hospitals, and therapeutic settings.
Now more than ever the wisdom of our Inner Resources is relevant and welcomed, especially from the perspectives of TRUST and FLEXIBLE.
A Practice
If you like to, place both hands on your heart or bring attention to your heart. Imagine being with your Inner Resource TRUST, the part that reminds you that you have made it through 100% of your hardest days and you can make it through this one, too.
If you would like, say to yourself, “I trust myself to navigate these challenging times.” Allow your mind, body, and heart to really take this in, “I trust myself to navigate these challenging times.”
Now if you would like to, take a moment to lift your arms over head and stretch to one side for several breaths, allowing more space for a deeper breath. When you are ready, switch sides as you continue stretching and breathing slowly.
Gently come back to center knowing when you are with Inner Resource FLEXIBLE you can pause, breathe, and see things from a new perspective. If you would like, say to yourself, “There is freedom and ease in being flexible.” Now, ask yourself, “What am I being open and flexible to now?” Notice what emerges.
As you read the following wishes of Inner Resources TRUST and FLEXIBLE, I invite you to pay attention to which one resonates.
· May you trust yourself regardless of the circumstances.
· May you go with the flow of what’s wanting and/or needing to happen.
To learn more, read our Inner Resources blog post and visit our Store.
I am grieving the death of my father 1 year ago yesterday and the death of another relative, recently from Covid 19.Specific posts on grieving would be appreciated.