In a recent review of over 900 studies about the impact of nature on overall health and well-being, a whopping 98% found that nature-based interventions improved mental health outcomes. Getting outside is an easy way to boost your mood and fall is a great time to enjoy the great outdoors. Here are a few quick and easy ways to build nature into your day:
Go outside and feel your feet on the ground. Even if you feel like you don’t have time to get outside, just going outdoors and feeling your feet on the ground can improve your mood. Being barefoot on the ground is a sensory experience that can help you feel more connected, present, and grounded (literally). Give it a try!
Bring nature inside. Bringing flowers, leaves, rocks, or small branches into your space allows you to have a visual reminder of the beauty of the outdoors with you all day. Having colleagues, students, clients, or family members bring in elements of nature can become a part of creating a welcoming and healing environment for everyone.
Enjoy the natural world virtually. While the internet can be fraught with problems, it can be a great resource for beautiful images of nature. You can find beautiful nature videos that can be shared on smartboards, television screens, tablets or on your phone. One of our favorite resources is Check it out!
How do you use nature to settle your mind and body? Share your ideas with us so we can keep this conversation going!

We developed the movemindfully app to make it easy to build quick pauses into your day. Visit the Apple App Store or Google Play to download or share the app today for $4.99.
Loaded with all the images from our early education and youth Permission to Pause Posters and Card Decks, you can pull up the app to build in a quick pause whenever you need one!