April is the National Month of Hope and a perfect time to help people restore their hope in humanity by performing random acts of kindness like smiling at strangers, helping someone carry their groceries, or volunteering at a local homeless shelter.
We may never really know what people are going through in their lives, but taking a moment to let others know in simple ways that somebody cares about them will give them hope and inspire positivity.
With Inner Resource HOPE, “I know positive change is coming,” — especially when I’m challenged with stress, fear, confusion, doubt, and other big emotions.
I invite you to join me in holding space for its wishes with the following simple practices:

Check out the newest edition of the movemindfully Inner Resources Card Deck, now in a beautiful box!
You can save 10% on the Inner Resources Card Deck through April 30, 2024, by using code 10%Off at checkout.

Thank you Kathy for sharing this hope-inspired message! It aligns with my mother’s favorite word (HOPE) and her legacy of positivity and possibilities. I know if my mom were still alive, she would share this post with all of her friends and encourage them to purchase and/or ask for an Inner Resources Card Deck (in the beautiful new box!) as a Mother’s Day gift 🙂