This past week, I received several phone calls from friends who said, “Everything feels too much,” referring to the anger, sadness, and frustration they see every day. It makes sense to me. I, too, feel the world’s pain. It can be challenging sometimes not to be overwhelmed by everything that’s going on in our own lives and in the world.
So, using Breathe Move Rest with my Inner Resource EMPATHY became a welcomed opportunity to process and feel through the emotions that had been arising during these complex times.
After finding a comfortable position where I felt supported, I allowed my eyes to soften and scanned my body head to toe, noticing any areas where I was feeling tightness or constriction. Breathing into those areas, I focused my attention, slowed down my breath, and welcomed the big emotions that were showing up with, “I see you. I feel you. I’m here for you.”
I experienced immediate relief, remembering with Inner Resource EMPATHY I can feel safe and supported with compassion for myself. In that moment, just bearing witness and listening well to my big emotions was enough. I continued with a MoveMindfully® “Feeling Through” practice where I allowed my body to squeeze into all that was showing up. I squeezed my eyes, cheeks, jaw, shoulders, arms, belly, hands, legs, and toes. I squeezed into the frustration, sadness, and fear that had my attention.
Next, I slowly allowed my eyes, cheeks, jaw, shoulders, arms, belly, legs, and toes to release as I repeated the message of Inner Resource EMPATHY, “I see you, I feel you, I’m here for you.” I immediately felt the wishes of this Inner Resource, “May you feel compassion and may you expereince heart-to-heart connection.”

I ended this practice by bringing my hands right below my collarbones and tapping as I inhaled through my nose and exhaled with a “Shhh” sound, allowing my emotions to have space to move and release.
As I moved throughout the day, and felt the presence of frustration, sadness, and fear, I allowed myself to pause and gave my emotions space and time with to “Feel Through.” Finally I called up my Inner Resource GRATITUDE which reminded me that, “Gratitude is possible even in the most difficult and challenging times.”
What practices are helping you feel through the challenges in your life?