It happens. Something unexpected derails your day and you feel completely overwhelmed. Or someone around you gets overloaded and needs your support as a grounding presence. Since we work in both inpatient and outpatient crisis mental health environments, we have our own go-to mind-body strategies when things feel out of control:

Hands on Head – Probably the most unobtrusive emergency intervention is placing hands on your head and breathing slowly which opens up your lungs and communicates safety to your nervous system in the midst of overwhelm. Try this for yourself or invite someone that is struggling to try it with you. This portable coping skill can be used seated, standing, or even lying in bed.
Grounding – When things are simply happening too much, too fast, and too soon, slow it down by feeling your feet on the floor. Whether sitting or standing, feel your feet in your socks or your shoes pressing down into the floor. Even better, if you can go outside, feel your feet on the ground with or without shoes. Notice how pressing your feet down into the ground can have an incredibly settling effect.
Rocking/Swaying – Rocking is a soothing mechanism (think cradles and rocking chairs). Sometimes you need to soothe yourself during the day by rocking gently side to side. Rocking or swaying settles your nervous system and tells your mind and body that you are safe in this moment, even if you feel overwhelmed. If you start rocking around others, sitting or standing, oftentimes they will start rocking with you without even noticing.
Looking for more ideas for how to build a mind-body emergency toolkit for yourself and others? Stay tuned for an exciting announcement regarding a new resource coming out this Fall!

The best part of sharing mind-body strategies with your family is that it starts a conversation about how you can use breathing, stretching, and relaxation strategies for support when you need it. Check out the movemindfully app for more Breathe Move Rest practices for you and your family!
Visit the Apple App Store or Google Play to download or share the app today!