How can we feel safe when everything feels so uncertain?
Whether we are educators, therapists or parents, we have all experienced an incredibly high (and sustained) level of uncertainty over the past 20 months. Facing this kind of uncertainty overwhelms our nervous system and heightens our evolutionary predisposition to constantly scan our environment for safety.
This heightened sense of impending danger can put us constantly on edge, waiting for the next thing to happen. These higher stress levels can push us to capacity and cause us to overreact to small everyday stressors.
Even though we can’t undo the stress of the past 20 months, we can use mind-body practices to increase our sense of safety. Try three simple MoveMindfully® strategies to feel more safe in these times of uncertainty.
The quickest way to manage stress is to simply slow down our breathing. Hand Tracing helps us consciously slow down our breathing as we take calming breaths.
Focus on one hand and use your other index finger to trace as you breathe slowly. As you breathe in, trace up each finger and as you breathe out, trace down each finger. You can hold your hand up or place it on your lap or on a table as you breathe and trace. Once you have traced all your fingers on one hand, you will have taken five slow, calming breaths. This practice calms our nervous system while grounding us in our body. When stress is overtaking our mind and body, this is a great strategy to remind ourselves that we are right here and we are safe.
When we are overwhelmed by stress, our mind and body shift to protective mode. Balance moves help us tap into our inner strength and can create a sense of safety. When we balance, we are reminded that we are strong and capable – because we are able to balance on one foot and not fall down! Hugging or squeezing in can also increase our sense of safety. When we hug into the midline of our body, we give ourselves helpful, grounding input. This reminds us that we are right here and that we are safe at this moment.
Practice Tree with Eagle Arms by pressing your foot into the floor and propping your other foot up like a kickstand. You could also rest your foot below or above the knee. While balancing with Tree legs, cross your arms and squeeze opposite shoulders. Choose a phrase that feels reassuring – like, “I am safe.” Think or say this to yourself quietly and notice how you feel. Switch feet and try balancing on the other foot. Hug yourself again, this time with your other arm over top. Repeat your reassuring phrase. Notice if this changes how you feel in your mind, body and heart.

The uncertainty of the past 20 months has been fatiguing. Take a break when you feel weighed down by the cumulative impact of the pandemic.
Find a comfortable spot to rest. You can sit or lie down. Look down to eliminate distractions or if you’d like, you can close your eyes. Breathe slowly and focus on one good thing that has happened recently. It can be something as small as a kind word from a friend or an especially beautiful morning sky. Harness the power of your mind-body connection and relive that positive experience. After spending a few minutes picturing this one good thing as you breathe slowly, gently look up or open your eyes. Notice if anything has changed in mind, body and heart.
Download our Free Resources to get started with more BREATHE-MOVE-REST strategies. Let us know how we can support you in school and therapeutic environments.