Are you looking for new ways to introduce mindfulness, movement, and social-emotional learning practices? Register for our movemindfully® Foundation Training!
The movemindfully Foundation Training enables participants to enhance their understanding of the impact of trauma and stress on youth and adults. Using the latest in brain science research, discover practical interventions to assist youth and adults with self-regulation, focus, de-escalation, and community connection. Through hands-on learning, reflection, and discussion, participants explore breathing exercises, simple regulating-movement, rest techniques, and social-emotional skill development activities to integrate into their environment.
Here are three reasons to register today:
Register For Yourself
Your capacity to manage stress and practice self-care requires slowing down, being present, and noticing how you are responding in the moment. movemindfully offers simple mind-body strategies for stress management, self-care, and co-regulation so you can lead, learn, heal, and thrive. Our Foundation Training offers strategies to start implementing right away. Build a personalized toolkit for stress-management/self-care. Download our Free Resources for samples of our practices for YOU.

Register For Your Community
Thousands of educators have brought movemindfully strategies back into their schools and therapeutic settings. We know that the complex demands of educational and therapeutic environments can cause higher levels of pressure and disconnection, making physical, mental, and emotional support for youth, staff, and families critical. movemindfully offers a system-wide approach for sustainable change. Our Breathe Move Rest strategies integrate into a wide variety of frameworks and support many SEL programs.
If you work in a crisis mental health setting, you support struggling youth, adults, and families every day. This intensity impacts everyone. Our Foundation Training lays the groundwork for simple mind-body coping skills for self-regulation and co-regulation for staff, patients/residents, and families.

Register For the World
The struggles of the past few years have emphasized the importance of connection in our communities. Now more than ever, staying connected is essential for our overall sense of well-being. movemindfully‘s simple Breathe Move Rest practices improve our mind-body connection while also helping us become more aware of how connected we are to those around us. A wonderful benefit of participating in Foundation Training is the reminder that there are so many adults committed to helping children and youth feel connected and supported – so that everyone can thrive!
Register for our next Foundation Training online today!
Are you planning on joining us? Let us know what you are looking forward to! Leave a comment!